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Hi there! 👋🏻

I’m Monica Jungbin Han, a UX Design Lead based in Los Angeles, C.A.

As a Korean-American raised in the greater Los Angeles area, it was vital for me to navigate the tensions of cultural gaps both in society and in my own home-- In other words, I was exposed early on to the reality of people who saw the world differently than I did.

This all led to the eventual adaptation of curiosity and empathy as integral values of mine.


I was in leadership roles across non-profits, creative teams, healthcare administration and hospitality. The culmination of it all led to an invaluable insight that resonates across the board:

Seeking to understand others is a step in the right direction towards the best solution.

UX Design is exactly that-- it’s slipping into the “shoes” of users to yield data-driven design solutions. I love what I get to do because I believe that as humanity's experience changes, good design trails closely behind.

In my spare time, I like to befriend and serve individuals experiencing homelessness wherever I'm at and however I can. I also provide pro bono UX/UI design work for causes I support, such as Imagine LA.

‍The simpler joys in my life are good reads, the great outdoors, traveling [often solo], making music, coffee, writing, and cooking.

Say hi!

Please do reach out if you'd like to chat about work, social impact, and of course-- any shared "simpler joys."