New Story's Mortgage Repayment Dashboard


New Story is a housing nonprofit tackling one of the world's biggest problem: homelessness.

Our internal team needs an updated dashboard to quickly understand core numbers on families' mortgage repayment status for reporting purposes to inform the organization's strategic decisions.


Sole UX Designer & UI Engineer


April 2022 - Present


Research, data synthesis & collection, wireframes, prototype, task analysis, usability tests, deliverable hand-off

The problem

Our internal team was spending excessive time on making sense of core numbers and manually calculating repayment data. Exporting data to create reports took longer than it should, so I was asked to help simplify this process for what should be a simple task.

Our internal team needs a way to quickly understand core numbers and simplifying the task of preparing their reports.

The goal

To redesign the dashboard for efficiency so our users can quickly and easily understand core numbers, view our families' mortgage repayment status on a monthly/annual basis, and export reports to inform the organization's strategic decisions.


Our main user, Pau, expressed her ideal dataset she wanted to have easy access to:

- A monthly look at each family
- A monthly look at each community
- Then take these things and roll them up to a yearly report
- Charts for data visualization

The current interface required many clicks and entries to get the data she needs to prepare her reports.

Due to confidentiality reasons, here is a view of the current interface with edited numbers:

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Defining the problem and potential solution

Fishing for specific key numbers or presenting all the data points for every family and community would be tedious or render slow loading time, and of course, cause cognitive overload for our users.

Potential Solution: Present data in three separate tabs for family, community, and overview summary. From there, create filters for monthly/annual and date filter to view in smaller sets instead of all at once.

“When logging into the repayment dashboard, I want to quickly understand the core numbers for families and communities, so I can efficiently prepare for team meetings or make strategic decisions quicker.”

Based on our users' needs and goals, the dashboard display should be:


- Display core numbers on slightly-lifted cards for readability

- Separate family view from community view
- Consolidate important information via line chart for quick scanning
- Consolidate relevant columns to optimize screen real-estate
- Provide monthly and yearly view in drop-down menu to simplify

Design: A first pass at the new dashboard interface

Due to the urgency of this redesign and its low backend engineering lift, I prioritized the following criterias:

1. Reducing # of clicks

2. Consolidating columns and repeat components

3. Data visualization [chart]

To be continued...

As of today, we are still in the ideating phase of what would best support our users in their main tasks.

Our current priority is to update the user experience for the overview, community, and family views so that our users can quickly understand core numbers and generate reports in this fast-paced environment.

We look forward to further providing an easy and comprehensive user experience from beginning to end for our team.